Oracle Database 20c in the Cloud - Create Database - DBCA - Step by Step
Today I start with first 20c database creation and would like to share how its look like the entire process for create of new CDB database
This will be the first step to test upgrade from 12.2 to 20c which will be available here very soon
Create a database
Advanced Configuration
Oracle Single Instance Database, General Purpose
Global Database Name,SID, Use Local Undo tablespace for PDB`s, Create a Container database with one or more PDB`s, Number of PDB`s =1, PDB name = PDB20C
Use following for the database storage location, file system, Database files location, Use Oracle-Managed files (OMF)
Specify Fast Recovery Area, Recovery Area location
Select Listener or create a new one
You can configure Database Vault, Label Security
Keep the default memory allocation, in case of need you can change the type and allocation
You cannot change block size, but you can add a bigger number of process in case of needs
Keep the default
Keep the default
If you need sample schema you can tick on this option
Configure Enterprise Manager (EM) Database Express - add a port number of keep default
Add a password for all users
This is all listed Parameters if you need you can change here
You can review all location and creation or tablespace and redo logs etc
Generate Database Creation Scripts - yes
Overview of all configuration - Finish
Process of DB creation starts and you have to wait for a few minutes
Open the web browser and try to access DB express https://<hostname>:5501/em
Have fun with newly create 20c Database